April 08 – 09, 2025 | Frankfurt/Hanau, Germany

Help us to find the current critical challenges of automotive CAE!

You are working in CAE in the automotive industry and are facing a severe challenge in your daily work. Please describe it in a few words and send us the challenge! In preparation of the automotive CAE Grand Challenge 2025 we are collecting the current critical challenges of automotive CAE.

We will add your challenge to our list. In an internet-based survey we will determine the 7 most critical current challenges of automotive CAE. These will form the topics of the conference and hopefully will be solved through the collaboration of industry, research and software following the conference.

Example: Material and failure models for cast metals (especially giga castings)

Example: Giga castings are a current trend in automotive car body design. The crash properties of these giga castings are critical. To ensure their function we have to perform crash analyses of the car body including failure of the castings. To this end we need working failure models.

Your suggestions will of course be published anonymously in the forthcoming survey. We only need your contact details in case we have any queries.

We reserve the right to edit and reduce texts.

Please add 6 and 9.