November 13 – 14, 2024 | Marburg, Germany

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

The times given here refer to CET = UTC+1

Welcome & Keynote

09:00 Welcome
Dr.-Ing. Dirk Ulrich - gmbh

09:05 Maximizing Safety: Why Human Models Must Be Part of the Equation
Dr. Michiel van Ratingen - Euro NCAP

09:25 Remembering Prof. King-Hay Yang
Rainer Hoffmann - gmbh


09:30 Undamped Tribulations – Soft Tissue and Validation in Human Body Models
Prof. Dr. Cynthia Bir, Prof. Dr. Cameron Bass - Wayne State University

09:50 Parametrized Statistical Shape and Appearance Modelling Strategy to Predict Proximal and Diaphyseal Femur Fractures
Özgür Cebeci - IAT Ingenieurgesellschaft für Automobiltechnik mbH; Univ.-Prof. Dr. Sara Checa Esteban - Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin Julius Wolff Institut; Prof. Dr. Duane S. Cronin - University of Waterloo

10:10 First Validations and C1 Fracture Replication of an Advanced Neck FEM under Multidirectional Loading Conditions
Dr. Frank Meyer - University of Strasbourg et al.

10:30 Prediction of a Finite Element Femur 3-Point-Bending Setup by a Neural Network Surrogate Model
Mukund Thirugnanasambanthar, Jens Weber, Dr. Bram van de Weg, Maria González-García - Volkswagen AG

10:50 Influence of Loading Direction in Whiplash Associated Disorder
Prof. Alessandro Scattina, Ettore Pelissetti - Politecnico di Torino; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Fehr, Dr.-Ing. Matthew Millard - University of Stuttgart

11:10 Coffee Break

Passive Human Body Models

11:35 Development and Validation of AC-HUMs
Xiaofan Wu, Huida Zhang - CAERI - China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co. Ltd.; Dr. Qiang Wang - Hunan University; Dr. Yu Liu - CAERI - China Automotive Engineering Research Institute Co. Ltd.

11:55 Development of a 50th Percentile Female Human Body Model: THUMS Version 7 AF50
Akira Yamaoka, Noriyuki Fujita, Takao Matsuda , Dr. Yuichi Kitagawa - Toyota Motor Corporation

12:15 SAFER HBM V11 for All (Road) Users
Prof. Dr. Bengt Pipkorn - Autoliv Development AB et al.

12:35 Addressing Safety Equity in Motor Vehicle Crashes through Diverse Human Modeling
Prof. Dr. Jingwen Hu - University of Michigan

12:55 Preemies: Anthropometry and Body Shape Models
Dr. Karin Brolin - Lightness by Design AB et al.

13:15 Lunch Break

Passive Human Body Models - continued

14:10 VIVA+ Version 2.0 – A Smarter Model?
Dr. Johan Iraeus - Chalmers University of Technology et al.

14:30 State of the GHBMC Models
Dr. Zachary Hostetler - Elemance, LLC

14:50 Development of a Human Body Model (HBM) for Virtual Testing and Product Development
Stefan Kirschbichler - VIRTUAL VEHICLE Research GmbH; Dr. Chirag Shah - Humanetics Innovative Solutions, Inc.

Alternative Approaches Human Body Models

15:10 Using Active Learning for Efficient Human-Seat Interaction Modeling
Niklas Fahse - Universität Stuttgart et al.

15:30 Coffee Break

Active Human Body Models

16:15 Development of a HBM Torque Controller for Reclined Sitting Positions
Dr. Christoph Klein, Peter Wimmer - Virtual Vehicle Research GmbH

16:35 Development and Plausibility Assessment of an Active Human Body Model for Numerical Simulations of Cyclist to Vehicle Collisions Using Real-life Accident Data
Niclas Trube - Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics, Ernst-Mach-Institut, EMI et al.

16:55 Simulating Standing Passengers in Vehicles during Dynamic Driving Maneuvers
Monika Harant - Fraunhofer-Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik ITWM et al.

Pre- and Postprocessing HBMs

17:15 Pre- and Post-processing of HBMs with ANSA and META. Solutions and Challenges for the Future
Lambros Rorris - BETA CAE Systems International AG; Athanasios Lioras, Nikolaos Tzolas, Savvas Kellidis - BETA CAE Systems S.A.

17:35 HBMs in Altair HyperMesh Safety Workflows and Machine Learning Application on HBM Physical Position Prediction
Vincent Dampuré - Altair Engineering GmbH

17:55 End of Day1 Summary - Evening reception


Thursday, November 14, 2024

Pre- and Postprocessing HBMs - continued

08:30 Working with HBMs in Generator4 and Animator4
Leyre Benito Cia - GNS Gesellschaft für numerische Simulation mbH

08:50 Unified Metadata for GHBMC Models Positioning using ANSA, Visual DIW and PIPER
Dr. Philippe Petit - LAB PSA-Renault et al.

09:10 Development and Evaluation of Static Driver Posture Predictions for Digital Human Models
Dr. Erik Brolin, Estela Pérez Luque - University of Skövde; Pernilla Nurbo - Volvo Cars; Paulo Fragoso - Scania CV AB

09:30 Coffee Break

General Impact Applications of HBM

10:00 Emergency Brace Positioning and Injury Risk Prediction of Aircraft Occupants under Impact Loading
Dr. Galal Mohamed - Arup et al.

10:20 Exploring Gender Disparities in Heavy Quadricycle Crash Tests: Assessing Male and Female Human Body Models under Euro NCAP Frontal Impact Protocol
Pablo Lozano Gil - Applus+ IDIADA; Simona Roka - Applus+ IDIADA Group; Annabel Margalef Burgos - Applus+ IDIADA

10:40 Simulating Neck Injuries in Motorcycle Crashes with a Novel Safety System
Lia Sophie Schneider, Steffen Maier - Universität Stuttgart; Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jörg Fehr - University of Stuttgart

11:00 Investigating Bicyclist Posture for HBM Positioning in Crash Simulations
Maria Oikonomou - BETA CAE Systems SA et al.

Crash Applications HBMs

11:20 Study on the Influence of Car-Pedestrian Collision Angles on Injuries Based on the Injury Bionic Models with Chinese Anthropometric Characteristics
Prof. Dr. Haiyan Li - Tianjin University of Science and Technology et al.

11:40 Sensitivity of Boundary Conditions and Restraint System Variability on Injury Outcomes of THUMS-50M in Frontal Impact
Daiki Furukawa - Toyota Motor Corporation; Dr.-Ing. Andre Eggers - German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)

12:00 Lunch Break

Crash Applications HBMs - continued

13:00 Study on Head Injuries and Kinematic Behavior in Low-speed Collisions Between Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users
Yuka Abe, Hiroshi Yoneyama, Sumito Nagasawa, Hideki Arai - Subaru Corporation

13:20 Use of HBMs and Sled Environment in Side Impact Research
Alzbeta Kafkova, Petr Záruba - TÜV SÜD Czech s.r.o.

13:40 Comparison between Hardware ATDs, Virtual-ATDs and HBMs in Far Side Loadcase in a Generic BMW Sled Environment including a Far Side Airbag
Marius Rees - BMW AG

14:00 A Framework Predicting Occupant Injuries in Rotated Seating Arrangements
Dr. Christophe Bastien - Coventry University; Alexander Diederich - Toyoda Gosei Europe N.V.; Mike Blundell - Coventry University

14:20 Submarining Risk in Reclined Seating Positions: THUMS vs THOR
Ulrich Freyberger - CDH AG

14:40 Coffee Break

Crash Applications HBMs - continued

15:10 Anthropometry-scalable Method to Assess Submarining with Human Body Models
Dr. Giacomo Marini - AUDI AG et al.

15:30 Identifying Submarining in Small Female Human Body Models Compared to Reference PMHS Tests via a Quantitative Approach
Wade von Kleeck, Andrea Robinson, Prof. Ph.D. Francis Scott Gayzik - Wake Forest University School of Medicine

15:50 Pre-crash Seat Repositioning Effect on Occupant’s Safety in a Highly Automated Vehicle
Dr. Abbas Talimian, Dr. Luděk Hynčík - University of West Bohemia

16:10 Overview of Advancement and Application of HBMs in VW Group
Christoph Vieler - Volkswagen AG et al.

16:30 Steps Towards Qualification of Human Body Models for Virtual Testing
Ass. Prof. Dr. Corina Klug, Felix Ressi, Desiree Kofler - Graz University of Technology

16:50 Announcement Winner of the Young Scientist Award 2024 Summary, Closing Remarks & Farewell HuMo24
Rainer Hoffmann - gmbh



Program subject to change.

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