May 13 – 15, 2025 | Frankfurt/Hanau, Germany


May 14 – 15, 2025

Here you see a recap of the program of the SafetyUpDate 2024. As soon as the program of the 2025 conference is finalized, you will find it here.

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Ralf Reuter, Maren Finck - gmbh



New Vehicle Technologies and Electronic Architectures, as well as Changing Requirements for Passive Safety, Require Rapid Adaptation in the Areas of Validation and Verification
Martin Friedrichsen - AUDI AG
  • Complex electronic architectures and highly networked functions require a build-up of competence and transformation of specialist personnel in overall vehicle crashes
  • High international competitive pressure is putting a strain on vehicle project budgets and timing in the product development process and leading to changes in validation and verification
  • Further development of the requirements of consumer organizations as well as changed vehicle architectures lead to necessary technology changes in the execution of overall vehicle tests

Legal Requirements

New Legal Passive Safety Requirements
Oliver Zander - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
  • Equitability
  • New Occupant Positions in Automated Driving
  • Pedestrian Protection
  • IWVTA Updates
New Legal Active Safety Requirements
Dr.-Ing. Patrick Seiniger - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
  • ACPE: A new regulation to prevent pedal error accidents, concept, status and outlook
  • DCAS, Driver Control Assistance System, concept, status and outlook
Legal Requirements for ADS safety
John F. Creamer -
  • What is an ADS (from a regulatory perspective)?
  • How to set performance requirements for ADS driving?
  • How to assess compliance with these requirements?
  • How to monitor safety throughout the useful life of ADS vehicles?
  • What are the plans for establishing ADS safety regulations?

Introduction of Vehicle Safety Concepts

xEV Safety of the BMW Gen5 Electric Powertrains
Dr. Simon Königs - BMW AG
  • Presentation of the BMW Gen5 xEV architecture
  • Safety requirements and loadcases for the design of xEVs
  • How to achieve a comparable safety level for ICE, PHEV and BEV in a common body in white
  • How to mitigate the risk of thermal propagation
Legal Requirements for Automated and Autonomous Driving From a National and Global Perspective
Direktor & Professor Andre Seeck - BASt - German Federal Highway Research Institute
  • User Communication
  • General legal framework for L3 and L4
  • Technical regulations / requirements
  • Type approval of L4-vehicles vs. approval of the operational design domain (ODD)
  • Barriers to the introduction of automated vehicles
Interaction of Regulation and Standardization for Connected and Automated Driving With Technology Development and Market Dissemination From the Perspective of a Technical Service
Udo Steininger - TÜV SÜD Rail GmbH
  • Advanced Level 2 systems are on their way to becoming standard equipment: ADAS already offer high safety benefits and hands off systems should increase customer benefits - What are the resulting consequences for safeguarding and approval?
  • No rapid breakthrough in sight for Level 3 in private cars: Legal framework and technology are in place, but cost-benefit ratio is preventing widespread use currently - Can advancing digitalization, transition to software defined vehicles and connectivity solve the problem?
  • Level 4 in People and Goods Movers on the verge of regular operation: What do stakeholders need to do to remove last procedural hurdles and to get Mobility and Transportation as a Service on the road now?

Consumer Protection Requirements

Chair: Rainer Hoffmann - gmbh
Euro NCAP Vision 2030: From Planning to Execution
Dr. Michiel van Ratingen - Euro NCAP
  • Latest news for Euro NCAP, members, labs, trends and forecast
  • Introduction of the new 2026 rating scheme, principles, and justification
  • Updates from the working groups: latest decisions
  • Conclusions and outlook
Update on IIHS Consumer Ratings Tests
Becky Mueller - Insurance Institute for Highway Safety
  • Overview of current crashworthiness, headlight, front crash prevention, pedestrian, LATCH, booster and seat belt reminder evaluations
  • Review of current criteria for IIHS’s Top Safety Pick and Top Safety Pick + awards
Evolution and Prospect of Automobile Safety Evaluation in China
Peng Liu - CATARC - China Automotive Technology & Research Center
  • Results analysis of models tested by C-NCAP
  • Interpretation of the 2024 C-NCAP protocol
  • Version 2027 of the C-NCAP Research Plan

Vehicle Safety Testing

Roadmap 2030: Proving Ground Requirements for Active Safety
Dr. Nils Katzorke - Mercedes-Benz AG
  • Current requirements
    • Sources and basic testing requirements from certifications for road approval, ratings and standards
  • Progress of active safety development
    • Overview of past and future achievements based on expert survey regarding milestones for the development of automated driving
  • Efficiency requirements & scalability
    • Trend of shorter development cycles, changes in the automotive market and technical requirement for statistical power result in needs for automation and digitalization
  • Adverse environmental conditions
    • Crucial step in extending the ODD is testing under adverse conditions, mainly rain, glaring sunlight, crooked road edges, temporary lane boundary objects and damaged road markings


Thursday, May 16, 2024

Vehicle Safety From a Manufacturer's Perspective - What Have We Achieved. What Is Possible. What Is Effective.
Dominik Schuster - BMW Group


Vehicle Safety Testing

Chair: Dr.-Ing. Burkhard Eickhoff - gmbh
Electric vehicles in Crash Tests - “Small Versus Large”
Marcel Brodbeck - Mercedes-Benz AG
  • “Real-life“ car-to-car crash
  • High-voltage and battery safety in electric vehicles
  • Vehicle safety is not a question of the drive train!
  • Occupant protection from a gender perspective
Euro NCAP Crash Protection, Latest Developments for 2026
Volker Sandner - ADAC Technik Zentrum Landsberg
  • Tests specification for full size and sled testing
  • Dummy criteria and possible assessment for adults and children
  • Prerequisites and modifiers
Consequences of Non-Compliance With Legal Requirements - Errors Before, During and After Type Approval
Mark Haacke - Mark Haacke Training & Consulting GmbH
  • Recall statistics of the KBA and the EU (RAPEX/Safety Gate)
  • What are the reasons for recalls?
  • What are the consequences of these errors?

Introduction of Vehicle Safety Concepts

The Active Safety Concept of the New Audi Q6 e-tron
Dr. Roland Kallweit - AUDI AG
  • Collision Warning, Emergency Braking and Steering as the corner stone of the active safety concept
  • PreCrash Functions to improve the safety of vehicle occupants
  • Extension of the active safety concept by car-to-x
  • Communication light to increase the safety of other road users

Safe Driving

Euro NCAP Assessment of Driver Monitoring Systems and Occupant Status Monitoring
Adriano Palao - Euro NCAP
  • Update on 2026 Occupant Monitoring and Driver Engagement
  • Update on the 2024 protocol
This is Euro NCAP's HMI & HF Working Group
Dr. Ilse Harms - RDW Netherlands Vehicle Authority
  • Goal of the new HMI & HF Working Group 
  • Recent work
  • Outlook 2026
Level 2 Hands Off in Context of Human Factors
Dr.-Ing. Christian Gold - BMW Group
  • Presentation of the BMW implementation of a L2 Hands-Off assisted driving function with active lane change functionality.
  • Philosophy behind the implementation with a focus on human factors.
  • SOTIF measures to ensure a safe function.

Virtual Testing

Insights Into the Euro NCAP VT Crash Avoidance Working Group
Richard Schram - Euro NCAP

Virtual Testing for Assessment of Passive Vehicle Safety
Dr.-Ing. Andre Eggers - German Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt)
  • Global overview of Virtual Testing for assessment of passive vehicle safety in consumer testing and regulations
  • Current status of Virtual Testing in Euro NCAP to assess crashworthiness
  • UNECE Informal Working Group Equitable Occupant Protection (EqOP) - Task force “Virtual Crash Testing”
Maren Finck, Ralf Reuter - gmbh




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